Project Corpenicus - UDI Tracking with Satellite Imagery and Computer Vision Algorithms

Estimating Urban Development Index (UDI) for target areas of interest (AOI) over time, using satellite imagery and computer vision algorithms
Project Corpenicus Welcome Screen

This project naively estimates urban development index (UDI) for target areas of interest (AOI) over time, using satellite imagery and computer vision algorithms (Open CV). The project is targeted at improving the inefficiencies in local government agencies in tracking and analyzing Urban Development Index within geolocations.

APPLICATION MAY BE UNSTABLE - This application is a development build for testing purposes only. It is not intended for production use, nor does it guarantee accuracy of the result.

About this project

Project corpenicus was part of a prototyping effort to use OpenCV to find the difference between two satellite images over-time, and compute the pixel differences, as a rough representation of the development index of that geolocation. This prototype lacks advanced considerations such as image segmentation techniques to accurately identify structurs which are markers of urban development, such as highways, buildings, etc. Please feel free to reach out to me should you have ideas on improving this prototype

Application Architecture

The application has three microservices; The User Interface, built in ReactJs. The Users Backend built with NodeJs and GraphQL - This was my first experimentation with a GraphQL backend, and I can perhaps conclude that GraphQL is not for me. The Image Differencing Microservice - This is the OpenCV service that stores the images and computes the differences; built in Python and Flask.

The Image Differencing API prototype does not have background processing built in, and the differencing algorithm is computed on the fly

Product Details

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Satelite Image Upload

Upload the current and old images within period of review

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Image Split View

Use the slider to view both images overlayed. Click RunUDI Analysis to run the differencing algorithm

Image Split View

Image Differencing View

The differencing algorithm highlights the changes. Click RUN UDI Grid Analysis to split the grids and compute UDI per 0.5km

Image Differencing View

Urban Development Index Grid

Computed UDI per 0.5km

UDI Grid